Monday, August 19, 2024


 This past Thursday night was our time to host our group of three other couples that we call The Tasty Bunch. We meet each month taking turns being host and meet for dinner at a local restaurant for dinner and then to the house of the hosting couple for more conversation and dessert. We have been doing this for a number of years. The couples have changed over the time except for three of us.

When it is our turn, I always spend many days trying to decide what I am going to make for dessert. I'm not trying to outdo my friends; I just want to make sure whatever I make is a success. 

I don't think I have ever repeated a dessert in all of these years and even though usually what I make is the first time I have made it (just kills my husband), I can't remember a time that I made a flop. I think one time I made two different desserts because I was afraid what I had made wasn't good because it didn't look great. Everyone wanted a little of both and loved both of them.

I love peach cobbler. Actually I just love peaches and have never had them in a dessert that I didn't enjoy. I really loved my mother's cobblers, but have never been able to replicate them, hard as I have tried.

Even though this recipe was nothing like what she made, I have to admit the taste of it was close to the overall taste. I think it was the first time I have used canned peach pie filling. I have used pie fillings a lot, just never peach.

I'm glad I bought two cans (21 ounces each) because the amount of slices of peaches were limited while the sugary thick "juice" was abundant. I ended up with half a can of the "juice" left after I spooned out the slices and then combined the "excess" juice. I did use some of it in the cobbler because I didn't want it to be dry.

As I said, the cobbler was really delicious and everyone loved it. We served either light peaches and cream ice cream or light vanilla ice cream with it. It was interesting to see who wanted which flavor. I would have liked to warm it up in the oven a bit before serving it, but didn't have the time as everyone wanted dessert as soon as they got to our house. BUT you know it tasted perfect cold. (Everyone agreed.)



1/2    cup butter (1 stick)

1       cup flour

1       cup sugar (I removed 2 tablespoonsful)

1       teaspoon baking powder

1       cup milk

2       cans (21 ounces each) peach pie filling

Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F. Place the stick of butter in a 9 x 13 inch pan and place in the oven while it preheats.

Remove when the butter is melted. Set aside.

In a bowl, combine the flour, sugar, and baking powder with a whisk to thoroughly mix.

Add the milk and stir until smooth.

Pour the mixture into the pan covering the bottom of the pan. (Do not stir.)

Carefully drop spoonfuls of the peach pie filling on top to evenly cover. (I didn't use all of the sugary mixture in the pie filling from the two cans. I mainly wanted to have enough peach slices for a nice cobbler.) Again, do not stir.

Bake for 50 to 60 minutes, until fruit is bubbly and batter is set and golden brown.

Cool in the pan on a wire rack. 

Serve warm or cold with ice cream.

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