Wednesday, August 28, 2024


 Made with buttermilk...delicately soft and cake-like. "So easy...that making them is a thrill for the girls in the Home Economics classes each year," according to Miss Sarah M. Knight of Buffalo, NY. And even her sixth-graders report making them with great success in their own homes!"

I love old cookbooks and I can almost imagine what this cookbook looks like just from the picture. I have several old cookbooks that I have had forever. NO I didn't buy them at estate sales - although I have seen them at estate sales. I used to buy them at truck stops when we first got married. 

Cafe Treats Baker Dorene made these and they were so delicious. That added cinnamon sugar on top is so tasty on your lips when you take a bite of the cookie. I loved that. I think you might also.



1/2     cup soft shortening (part butter)

1        cup sugar

1        egg

3/4     cup buttermilk

1        teaspoon vanilla

2        cups sifted flour

1/2     teaspoon soda

1/2     teaspoon salt


1/4     cup sugar

1        teaspoon cinnamon

In a large bowl, mix thoroughly the shortening/butter, 

sugar, and egg.

Stir in the buttermilk and vanilla.

Sift together the sifted flour, soda, and salt. Stir in to make a dough.

Chill the dough for 1 hour.

Preheat the oven to 400 degrees F. Lightly grease cookie sheets.

Remove dough from the refrigerator. Drop rounded  teaspoonfuls of dough about 2 inches apart onto cookie sheets. Sprinkle with sugar/cinnamon mixture.

Bake until cookies are set 8 to 10 minutes.

Cool on wire rack.

Makes about 4 dozen 2 inch cookies.

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