Monday, September 2, 2024


Last week I shared with you a recipe for Old-Time Cinnamon Jumbles that Cafe Treats Baker Dorene had made and brought for the Cafe at Platte Woods United Methodist Church. She also made some awesome Sugar Cookies that looks like the recipe came from the same old cookbook. I couldn't wait to share the recipe for them with you this week.

Any recipe I find for a stir-n-drop sugar cookies, I am interested in it. It has been a long time since I rolled out cookie dough and then used a cookie cutter, decorative or just a circle. I know I should. I have several cute cookie cutters that I have bought and never use. I promise I will use them sometime before the end of the year and then you can read about it here. Okay? Until then you can just try out this recipe for stir-n-drop ones.

I like the way Dorene dusted them with powdered sugar. It was a nice finished touch to the cookies.




2     eggs

2/3  cup oil

2     teaspoons vanilla

1     teaspoon grated lemon rind

3/4  cup sugar

2     cups sifted flour (sift flour before measuring*)

2     teaspoons baking powder

1/2  teaspoon salt

Preheat the oven to 400 degrees F.

Beat until well blended with a fork, the eggs in a large mixing bowl.

Add the oil, vanilla, and lemon rind and stir to mix well.

Blend into the mixture the sugar.

Sift together the sifted flour, baking powder, and salt. (*First sift an amount of flour out and then measure out 2 cups.) Add to the mixture and stir until dough forms.

Drop by teaspoonfuls about 2 inches apart on ungreased cookie sheets. (Personal note: I always use parchment paper for easier cleanup.)

Flatten each dollop with a glass, that you have greased and pressed in sugar.

Bake until a delicate brown, about 6 minutes. Remove immediately from the cookie sheet.

(Dorene dusted the baked cookies with powdered sugar which made them so pretty.)                            

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