Monday, June 10, 2024


 According to my Betty Crocker's Cooky Book that my mother gave me on October 22, 1969, (at least that is the date she wrote in the front inside cover) the best cooky of the 1920's was the Brownies. It says it was "much requested in the roaring 20's. Legend has it that the first brownies were a fallen chocolate cake."

When I recently asked my gkids' godmother, Jamie, if Martin, her husband and my gkids' godfather, if he liked anything else besides chocolate chip cookies, she said he liked brownies. 

If you follow me, you might remember that Jamie and Martin starting raising chickens and sell fresh eggs, I paid them for the first couple of dozens, but one time when we went to buy some, he refused to take my money and said he wanted to barter with me for them. I said okay and then he said he wanted plain chocolate chip cookies - no nuts or anything else added - just plain chocolate chip cookies.

Well I have done this for several months. I had no idea there were so many different recipes out there for chocolate chip cookies. It made me dizzy. So the last time I got some Martin was at work so I asked Jamie if he liked anything else and she said he liked brownies. 

So Saturday when I only had four eggs left, I went on a search for a brownie recipe. Most called for four eggs. I needed to make another treat for the Cafe Treats so just in case they didn't have any eggs available, I didn't want to make them so I would have two eggs left for the Cafe Treat.

Then I found this recipe for Brownies and it only called for two eggs. So yes, this recipe won out. 

The recipe did call for 1/2 cup of chopped nuts, but I left them out since he didn't want nuts in his chocolate chip cookies. I was a little nervous about adding the eggs to the warm melted chocolate, but I decided the sugar would cool it down quickly.

They looked so pretty when I took them out of the oven. It was really hard not to cut into them, but I didn't. Since I rarely share any recipe with you that I haven't tried to give you a fair review, I sent Martin a message asking for his review. 

This is what Martin wrote back: "The brownies were great. The crust was crispy and complimented the actual brownie very well. Not overpowering chocolate flavor and a hint of something I just can't tell what it is. The made-from-scratch was way better than a box mix. Thanks again for them."

Wow! What a review! I answered back that there was no extra ingredient that maybe it was his good eggs. They are fantastic eggs. I tell everyone they are the prettiest eggs I have ever seen.

I guess I will just have to make them again but for us this time.



2     sq. unsweetened chocolate (2 oz) (four thin squares in my package)

1/3  cup shortening or vegetable oil (I did use shortening)

1     cup sugar

2     eggs

3/4  cup flour

1/2  teaspoon baking powder

1/2  teaspoon salt

1/2  cup chopped nuts (I omitted)

Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F. Grease or spray a square pan (8 x 8 - inches). I used a glass baking dish. Set aside.

Melt the chocolate and shortening over low heat

stirring to speed up the melting process.

Remove from heat and stir in the sugar and

then the eggs.

(I beat the eggs first with a fork.)

Stir together the flour, baking powder, and salt first in a small bowl. (This is the only picture I have of the dry ingredients before I stirred them together, but it shows the beautiful eggs I told you about.

Stir in the dry ingredients until well mixed. Mix in nuts if you are using them.

Spread in the pan.

Bake for 30 - 35 minutes, or until top has a dull crust and a slight imprint remains when touched lightly. (I baked mine for just the 30 minutes.)

Cool slightly and cut into squares.


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